The program provides a full model to follow the fixed assets and a many documentary course details to manage your stock With a full course to add all the banks that you deal with and follow up a movement Checks and registration of all revenues
ERP accounts program
UDN Sales Management ProgramIt is a program & nbsp; Integrated to manage your company from all aspects has many distinctive characteristics that make it the simple tool that is easy to use, as it provides you with a full moody to follow the fixed assets and a many documentary course details to manage your stock with a full course to add all the banks that you deal with and follow the movement of deferred checks. It also allows you to follow all accounts Your company and registration Irdeat And expenses to know the net final profit
Multiple features of the accounts program Erp
Create a distinctive new template
with Accounts program UDN ERP You can modify & nbsp; on the name of the program's lists and icons with a distinctive color choice from among 4 different colors and the ability to design the printed bill for your customers and also modify the forms of final reports
Multiple branches and link online
Many companies are medium or large in size, they have many branches and face a lot of problems in linking accounts and following up the branch employees. With UDN, the solution to all your problems with the possibility of linking online between more than one branch in different places and following all your accounts first at any time through the device regarding you Whether computer, laptop or personal mobile device
Full management of your company
The ERP account program is an integrated program that contains many interconnected features that provide strong and distinguished management to your company by containing special screens for work powers For all users and give them the required tasks and thus make a system followed within your company with the best features in keeping all your accounts
The right path to follow up on your work
If you want success and apply to your company, you need to choose Udn To provide you with a program designed for your comfort and management of your company step by step with a series of detailed reports and graphic and planning graphics to know the company's performance
Management of fixed assets
Any medium or large commercial activity needs to have a set of fixed assets to which its commercial activity is carried out. With the ERP accounts program, you can manage all the assets that you own while registering all its data and adding the balance of the first period for it while determining all the methods of accounting depreciation when adding it from the user
A series of detailed reports
The fixed assets are one of the basics on which any institution is based, as it is considered a concrete piece that the institution uses to produce and increase income and is not used for the purpose of selling until after a period of about five years and is not registered when buying directly, but it is calculated over the course of the productive age of the fixed asset such as lands, cars and machinery & nbsp; We offer you to save time and effort to all of this with the full management of all fixed assets within your company in the UDN ERP account program
The depreciation is defined as a process in which the value of the original age is distributed to the profits or the loss of the accounting period in detail with the ERP account program.
Follow up on fixed assets
Pictures of warehouse reports
With the UDN ERP accounts program, a full model to manage employees within your company, from registering all its data and making regulations Vacations And discounts and Coffins And also recording attendance and leaving by linking the program to any type of fingerprint device & nbsp; & nbsp; with a special screen to pay the final salary after deducting the deductions from it
A variety of detailed reports
Evaluating the performance of your employees is one of the very important points that you are looking for in your company. With the ERP accounts program, we provide you with the burden of recording attendance and leaving daily with the ability to link the program to the fingerprint device so that you can know the evaluation of your employees in attendance and leaving at any time
Full follow -up to the movement of your employees
The integration of the program has become in its specificity and the successes of dealing with it for the contracting clients with us. The multiplicity of programs for the company indicates its successes in extracting multiple programs in all fields and specialties in all its dealings.
Multiple transactions
The cost centers are one of the strongest characteristics that characterize our program, so you can employ this mudel to solve many of the complications that you face, especially if you are a owners of contracting or transportation companies, you can make each project for a separate cost center in all its accounts
Full ease of your accounts
Pictures of account reports
Try the program nowWith & nbsp; ERP accounts program. You can choose between 3 types to calculate the cost of your stock with the best way to calculate the cost of varieties and set the final profits from each category and see a list of reports that show you profit from a specific product
If you have products that deal with validity dates such as food or medicines and other important products that can easily be through the UDN ERP & nbsp; Adding the expiration date for products with alerts when the expiration ends and the ability to adjust and adjust the validity dates in one step through a special screen and also you can adjust the products of products such as mobiles, auto parts and computers with the addition of more than one flow to each product
Your stock transactions
You can do many daily warehouse transactions through various screens, different properties for each deal